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Chawan @ Bangsar

Chawan has proven that it's here to stay, attracting a consistent crowd despite the proliferation of modern kopitiams in this area.

Ubi kayu rebus with sambal tumis and kelapa parut. I've loved tapioca since childhood, but haven't had much of it in recent years. This was a starchy pleasure, similar to how my grandmother used to prepare it as a teatime treat.

Pisang nangka kukus. A healthy alternative to nasi dagang and other oil-laden options.

Kopi Tanjung Malim (Perak) milk shake & cold Sumatran Kopi Kapal Api.

Hot Kopi Kemaman (Terengganu).

Ice-blended Kopi Tenom from Sabah.

Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar.

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