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Frisky Goat & Thursdvys @ Taman Tun Dr Ismail

It's been an action-packed weekend for folks in TTDI, where not one but TWO terrific new cafes roared open to brisk business: Frisky Goat at Burhanuddin Helmi ...

 ... & Thursdvys, which opened on a Saturday, ironically, at Datuk Sulaiman 1. Note that Thursdvys is pronounced 'Thursdays' _ the spelling quirk is simply meant to help this outlet stand out on Instagram & Twitter.

Frisky Goat & Thursdvys have very little in common, except that they're both filled with buoyantly friendly people & both places radiate plenty of positive vibes. Frisky Goat's probably our better bet for now, since it's serving hot food, while Thursdvy's kitchen will only open late next month.

 Let's not save the best for last: Frisky Goat's baked eggs (RM18.50) seem like the most satisfying ever in Taman Tun ...

 ... perfectly prepared, beautifully balanced in both flavour & texture, mixed with slices of spiced sausage, cherry tomatoes & beef bacon that's surprisingly tastier than the norm, partnered with Frisky Goat's own-baked crusty toast. Absolutely adore this.

Poached eggs are served with a difference too, atop a fresh-tasting Belgian waffle (waffles are becoming perceptibly trendy in the Klang Valley) & partnered with seared salmon, sauteed mushrooms & an eye-catching, tomato-tinged hollandaise sauce. RM21.  

The French toast (RM20) employs a less ordinary recipe as well, expertly executed & convincingly complemented with apple chutney, spiced roasted walnuts, honey, vanilla ice cream (super-smooth) & chantilly cream.

 Cakes here are also distinctive: The strawberry-raspberry Red Opera, topped with crimson-coloured almonds, will turn heads.

 Love Frisky Goat's espresso creme brulee, soft & sumptuous. Actually, our only possible complaint about this place is that it's not big enough; seating can feel cramped & vacant tables will be scarce on weekend afternoons.

 Frisky Goat's owners graciously acknowledge that their prowess in coffee-making might not be this neighbourhood's most impressive, but they still do good work with their Colombian beans. The outlet will extend its hours through dinnertime soon; expect heartier bistro-style fare including beef bourguignon. Frisky Goat is also a bakery, so head here for pastries galore.

 Also totally worth a stop: Thursdvys, one of KL's most handsomely designed caffeine bars. Hats off to the people who worked on constructing this place; there's a lot to admire here _ we're not sure where to start.

Blends from Singapore's Common Man Coffee Roasters surface again in KL; the coffee's nice & nuanced here.

 Beat the heat with a peach cooler mocktail or an iced latte.

Hot food should be served starting March 22, but customers can trifle with various desserts at Thursdvys for now. All in all, both Frisky Goat & Thursdvys are set to soar in the popularity stakes. Take note, writers of "Twelve Brunch Places in KL You MUST Try Before The Zombie Apocalypse Hits" lists.

 Frisky Goat
72, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Beside Public Bank.
Open Tuesday-Sunday starting 8am. Through 5pm for now, 11pm eventually.

22, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Same row as Presto supermarket.
Open 9am-10pm, closed Thursdays (!!!)

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As a separate initiative, the latest edition of Eat Drink KL: 100 Favorites for January-March 2014 is now online, featuring 100 pretty nice eateries, including more than 20 new entries for this quarter. This eBook of restaurant recommendations is available for free, convenient reading on computers, tablets & smartphones at this link: http://eatdrinkkl.publ.com/Eat-Drink-KL-100-Favorites-Jan-March-2014 (This link expires March 31, 2014; see blog entries after that date for new link).

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