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IR1968 @ Terrace Hock Choon, Ampang

Click here for earlier entry on IR1968 (March 2, 2010).

Sop Santan Ayam (pumpkin & coconut broth with chicken). Comfort food for the soul; something like this is always a pleasure, whether it's a Western-style chicken soup or thoroughly Asian like this one, laced with unrecognisable Indonesian spices.

Kari tetelan (beef brisket curry). A thick, hearty concoction, with lots of tender meat. Probably not fiery enough to please chilli-lovers though.

Nasi kuning campur, with beef rendang & fried chicken. A well-prepared platter; the simple things were what we savoured the most, like the creamy hard-boiled egg yolk.

Tauhu goreng telur. Crunchy carrots & bean sprouts heaped over a fairly fluffy combo of fried beancurd & egg, with a sweet-&-salty coconut gravy.

House red wine.

Terrace @ Hock Choon,
Lorong Nibong, Off Jalan Ampang.

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